Performance Analysis of Dhaka Bank Ltd.
This report is about Dhaka Bank Limited and its concert sign in the performances analysis of Dhaka Bank Limited.. The Dhaka Bank is one of the fundamental budgetary bank in the country. During my internship period ,I have to generate knowledge that’s help to make the report.My main task is collected to the ratio last five year financial performance analysis. Ratio analysis is the most popular trend to evaluate a bank’s performance.The main purpose of the study is to get knowledge about Dhaka bank.And also achievement the real experience of corporate life and the theoretical knowledge in the real life. This internship report discloses the background , overview of the bank,history of the organisation, corporate information, product and services by the bank.Last five year financial analysis, ratio,Interpretation. Recommendation and conclusion given experiences gathered. And also include their mission and vision .Main focus of this report is financial ratio analysis with graph of Dhaka Bank .During my internship period I gather more knowledge about banking sector.I gain different experiences in several department. By the way,I learn first one month general banking one month I learn card department and last month I gain how to given loan to the customer. Lastly, this report includes with some positive and negative findings from my overall internship at Dhaka bank Limited. Therefore, it is very necessary for every organization whether the company’s size is to make financial statement and to analyze it by ratios..
- General [1403]