Greenland Technologies Ltd. is a part of GETCO Group of company. Greenland was a small company and started with one salesman. After their glorious success this company become a midsize company. In our country Greenland Technologies Ltd. has a reputation in their industrial sector. Their main business is import agricultural products from abroad and sale this product’s to the rural famers. They also have cleaning machineries and accessories for house and office.
This Company sale their agricultural products on account and after that they collect installment with interest. On the other hand, they sales cleaning machines and accessories direct by their showroom and also online by
Greenland Technologies Ltd. is the profitable company, their net profit margin says that. They continuously generate profit in every year. By this profit margin they are able to contribute in our economy. Within few years they will be able to become the market leader with their strong financial support.
This Company has some experience employees who knows how to run an organization with profit and how to move forward. GTL has almost 220 employees and everybody is responsible for their responsibility. They think this is their own company and accomplish their task with high attention.
Company has several departments for different operations. Top management control all the department and all department supervise by superior. Top management select goal and create strategies and employees are responsible to accomplish the task to achieve the goal by using created strategy.
Greenland Technologies Ltd. believe in better solution for any relevant problem. That’s why they import machineries and accessories for better solution of agriculture and cleaning. They always bring modern technologies machineries which is more useful for the customers.
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