Listing Procedure of Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd
The whole report is prepared with overview and overall activities of listing procedure of Dhaka stock exchange Ltd. Firstly, the starting portion of the report, describes about the introductory part of the report like background, objective, scope etc. After that there is an organizational overview of DSE which describes mission vision objects and some other areas of the organization.
Chapter-3 describes the overall listing procedure of Dhaka Stock Exchange, its benefits and reasons for listing in DSE. Then, in next chapter I try to find some new listed companies’ listing procedure that are they follow the process accurately or not.
Thereafter, in chapter-5 there have some findings that DSE should need to improve and some recommendation for DSE that I think they should need to implement. Actually, this was an excellent pleasure on behalf of me to induce such likelihood to figure out.
- General [1379]