Marketing Strategy of NCC Bank Limited (Laxmipur Branch)
This study is a significant part of Bachelor of business Administration program. The main goal of this report is to find out the Marketing Strategy of NCC Bank Ltd. Basically, the promotional strategy of the bank depends on positioning of various products. Their target client is basically those individuals who want to get back their cash with great benefit in crisis.
I basically took help from two sources to make this report. The sources are the primary source and secondary source. However, I mostly took help from secondary sources but most of the information especially the questionnaire survey was collected from primary sources.
Based on the survey, it is clear that the promotional campaigns and marketing strategies of NCC Bank is not enough strong. It is found that NCC Bank has failed to meet customer’s expectation and the bank does not introduce more products. Also, it is found from the survey that the bank rarely arranges promotional campaigns for promoting their products.
The NCC Bank should give more emphasize on the promotional campaigns and marketing activities of various products and services. Moreover, the bank should try to meet customers’ demand by introducing different products and services. The bank also should take proper initiatives for promoting their products and services.
The bank should concentrate on their potential clients by introducing different products and services with them. The bank also needs to cover all the media so that their potential customers may have clear idea about their products and services. Moreover, the bank should use modern technology to assure best services to their customers.
- General [1377]