Browsing Guided Research (BSECO) by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 78
(United International University, 2018-07-10)Human capital is an integral source for a country's development, but due to the massive emigration of the intelligent and highly skilled students, Bangladesh is experiencing a brain drain. The objective of the paper is to ... -
Consumers’ Acceptance of GM Foods: Present Scenario of GM Crops in Bangladesh
(UIU, 2021-03-16)‘Genetically Modified foods’ are the foods which have been got from such living beings of which DNAs have been changed by Genetic engineering. Throughout the last century, the Genetic Engineering has been greatly developed. ... -
Creating a FDI friendly economy: An analysis of selected South Asian countries
(2020)This paper studies the impacts that Economic Freedom and GDP of four South Asian countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) have in attracting FDI. This study was conducted to examine whether FDI had a positive ... -
A Cross Sectional Analysis On Economic Growth and Income Inequality
(2019-01-27)This paper aims to empirically estimate the effect of economic growth on income inequality for the time period of 2016. To conduct the study a total of 144 countries are taken with four independent variables. Using the ... -
Determinants of Intention toward Social business: A Case Study in Bangladesh Using SEM
(UIU, 2019-03-10)Bangladesh has been faced different social and economical problems. And as social organization has greater opportunities to solve several social problems in a financially sustainable way, the significance of social ... -
Determinants of Maternal Mortality: The Case of Nine South-Asian Countries
(2018-01-08)According to World Health Organization (WHO) maternal mortality is “the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any causes ... -
Determinants of Willingness to Participate in E-commerce Entrepreneurship: A Case Study in Bangladesh
(UIU, 2020-08-29)This study shows how the determinants influence people to participate in entrepreneurship through E-commerce. The thesis paper concentrates how the factors impact people’s decision to participate in E-commerce entrepreneurship. ... -
Determinants of Willingness to Participate in Social Business: A Case Study in Bangladesh.
(UIU, 2020-02-08)This paper represents the behavior of young generation in Bangladesh and finds out the factors that influence them to participate in social business. And my work is based on primary survey. (The main focus of this study ... -
Economic Aspects of Ecotourism: A Qualitative Analysis
(United International University, 2021-10-23)In the past few years, tourism has become one of the most popular sectors of the economy worldwide and its contribution to the economy is very noticeable. Tourism is one of the most fast-growing sectors, which contributes ... -
(2019)Corruption, being one of the most common characteristics of developing countries, has earned the subtle recognition of crippler to the economy. However, the co-existence of underdevelopment and corruption makes it important ... -
Economic Factors Affecting Stock Market: A Case Study of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)
(UIU, 2020-02-18)In this study the impact of economic factor on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is explored. Economic factors It is said that economics factors have a very positive influence upon strong market. The aspiration of the study is ... -
Economic Growth and External Sector Behaviour: A Cross-Section Analysis
(United International University, 2021-10-23)Economic development is a problem that is a concern of any economist, politician, government and business. Development is a means of achieving a higher standard of living, a better health system, an optimal quality of ... -
(2018-01-16)Foreign aid is often given to less developed countries to transfer resources with the hope to bring benefits and improvements to the receiving society. However, various forms of corruption often hinder aid effectiveness. ... -
(2019)First of all, all credit goes to Almighty Allah. I am really grateful to my university that it has created such an opportunity of research which always enriches our knowledge and wisdom. Secondly, I would like to express ... -
The Effect of Tariff on Economic growth: A Cross Sectional Analysis
(United International University, 2021-10-23)Trade is an economic perception which allows nations to enlarge markets for goods and services and develop their economic conditions. Though free trade is preferable by most of the economists but there are some trade ... -
An Evaluation of the Credit Management Policy of City Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-01-16)City Bank Limited is a commercial bank and its play a very important role in our country. The bank gives all types of backup of trade, commerce, industry and overall business of our country. With the active support and ... -
An exploration into the Impacts of COVID 19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of school going Children: Bangladesh Perspective
(United International University, 2021-10-23)The 2019 corona virus (COVID-19) illness was initially reported to spread worldwide in Wuhan, China, in order to cause a global pandemic. The corona virus was propagated to 219 nations on 6 February 2021, resulting in 2 ... -
The Extent of Impact of Different Factors on Female Education in Developed and Developing Countries
(2019-08-05)Female education is more than a blessing to every nation as female citizens play a significant role in nation’s economic prosperity. But the real scenario is women are facing obstacles in getting education even in ... -
Factors Affecting Economic Growth of Bangladesh
(2018-10-29)Higher economic growth is very important to achieve the vision of Bangladesh. Thus this study tries to figure out the impact of determinants of economic growth of Bangladesh using time series data has taken from the period ...