“Profitability Measurement of Greenland Technologies limited
My internship report tells about the products feature of GTL Motors and hire purchase system of Tractor business in GTL of Bangladesh. My internship report is based on my working experience at the time of internship in Greenland Technologies Limited. My internship time in this organization was a worthwhile understanding for me as GTL is trying to become the leading reputed trading organizations in Bangladesh. This internship has helped to know about the profitability measurement of GTL.
My internship report has been made on the profit measurement of Greenland Technologies Limited. Here, I have taken their 5 years sales and income report to analysis the regression analysis to find out their profitability.
In the section of profit measurement, I have discussed about their sales and income among the GTL products like which product sales more and which one is more profitable for the company. I get the present situation of each market by observing the market position and offer of these items from where. This report makes reference to about the offices and advantages of GTL gives to their client. GTL needs to turn out with new plans to draw in their client of other brand client. They need to do give increasingly extra incentive to their merchandise, need to change estimating technique, create correspondence with their client to expand sells.
Over, I have talked about the credit arrangement of Tractor in GTL. It ought to be progressively accessible and increment the ideal opportunity for EMI to the client that will endeavor to draw the consideration of them more contrast with others. Credit deal once in a while can make segregation in the nation business. In this way, it needs right arranging, procedure and full sorting out capacity. Absolute Collection of credit is depicted in subtleties in this section. I have clarified exercises of the accumulation of GTL.
- General [1403]