Managing Brand Equity at the Akij Food and Beverage Limited -A Study on MOJO
The purpose of this report is threefold- analysis of positioning strategy of MOJO carbonated soft drink of Akij Foof and Beverage Limited, promotional strategy of this unit and their effectiveness, and the measurement of the effectiveness of MOJO’s brand equity.
First Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry has always an intention to produce a large number of goods and offer these goods at low cost to final consumers. Akij Food and Beverage Limited (AFBL) is one of the renowned FMCG Company in the domestic marketplace of Bangladesh. AFBL has various types of goods for their target group. Among many goods, MOJO- carbonated soft drink is one of the best products of AFBL that was launched in 14th April 2006.
For AFBL, MOJO plays a great role in the marketplace and able to acquire a great portion of market share. Now with its tagline “ONTOR IS ON” and most recent one “MY LIFE MY MOJO” MOJO has captured a great brand value in the marketplace. To ensure that is has differential effect on the consumer mind, MOJO uses various positioning strategies including big ideas like engage individual part of life, USP like bearing local heritage and culture with fusion, and elements like culture, heritage, life style.
To communicate with the consumers, MOJO follows some general promotional strategy. Most popular promotional activities are – MOJO Pitha Uthsob, MOJO Pohela Boishak, MOJO Ontorer Dak, MOJO Ticket Is On, MOJO Humba Is ON, MOJO Jhal Fest etc. To reach the actual and potential consumers, AFBL becomes live on Facebook to show the life of PithaUtsob, MOJO PohelaBoishak etc. Beyond the positioning and promotional strategies MOJO’s brand equity also evaluated on perceived quality, impression, taste, brand association, and brand loyalty. Bases on the findings, several recommendations are forwarded that have the practical implications.
- General [1403]