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dc.contributor.authorRahatin, Salman
dc.description.abstract. HR forecasting is all about predicting demand and supply, whether it's in terms of employee numbers, skills, or office space. On the other hand, an organization's recruitment and selection method is required in order to attract an effective workforce since it will determine the company's success and have an impact on the overall operation. Employees are one of an organization's most important assets. This study tried to find out the policy and program of a HR surplus and HR shortage of BKB. During the pandemic situation, on the ICT department they have more shortage of manpower and for this they are going to recruitment and selection activities. Recruitment and Selection process drives an organization to the height of achievement.en_US
dc.publisherUnited International Universityen_US
dc.subjectHR forecasting, Staffing strategy, Bangladesh Krishi Banken_US
dc.titleHR Forecasting Process and Staffing Strategy of Bangladesh KRISHI Banken_US
dc.typeIntership Reporten_US

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