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dc.contributor.authorMonalisa, Nipa
dc.description.abstractIn this technological revolution era, the importance of the safe and effective dispensing of medication is no end off. Moreover, now a day in our country, many pharmaceutical and Medicare companies are using Pharmacy management software to manage their daily task. However, the fact is that according to our demands, technologies are changing rapidly being developed within the changing world wherever we want to live. The Medicare Automation Software is a medicine dispensing automation software. This software will help the accumulative problem solution for the dispensing of Medicare companies. Existing systems are using for specific individual task management purposes. But this software is highly effective and feature-complete software to complete the daily task management of a pharmacy, such as ensuring efficiently medicine purchases and sales operation, modern billing and invoicing system, tracking inventory, employee and revenue management. Moreover, this software helps customer, supplier and manufacturer management and enable to generate sales report, purchases report, and different accounting reports automatically. Simply, my project aim is to mitigate the use of separate software and analyze the various data, which will provide the major information and knowledge to the management and to the higher authority.en_US
dc.publisherUnited International Universityen_US
dc.subjectPharmacy management softwareen_US
dc.subjecta medicine dispensing automation softwareen_US
dc.subjectmedicine purchases and salesen_US
dc.titleMedicare Automation System (MAS)en_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US

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