Flip-Flop Conversion using Clustering
This thesis work describes the conversion of flip-flops (FF) using Clustering method to
generate the Sum of Products (SOP) from the K-Maps. The approach to this work is
divided into two major steps: generation of the conversion table and extraction of SOP
from the K-Map using clustering. The conversion table was constructed using the
characteristic table of the required FF and output obtained from the excitation table of the
available FF. In the second part, a row was randomly selected with output 1 as a cluster
and compared the minterms with the cluster to create groups of 4. If the matching pattern
bit is 1, this step was repeated until all the output 1’s are covered in the group. The
process was repeated for groups of 2 but the pattern matching bit is 2. The quality among
the groups was then checked and the SOP published by adding all the maximum quality
patterns. From the benchmark analysis it was found that, the approach converts the flipflops with the minimum time.
- B.Sc Thesis/Project [82]