Being a geographically small country, Bangladesh with its readymade garment (RMG) sector
has progressed remarkably on a global scale. Contributing more than eighty percent of the country’s total exports today1, RMG of Bangladesh is served as a global commodity. However,
regarding the issue of living standard and wage, the RMG industry of Bangladesh hasn’t been keeping pace with the other clothing exporting countries.2 In this study, an attempt has been
made to point out the internal wage related irregularities & prevailing unfairness in the labor
community. The empirical cases reveal prominent non-compliancy in labor management
practices. Minimum Wage, being considered to have the most common impact on worker’s
life, this study draws comparative cases with other countries to overview the entire wage
system scenario of RMG workers in Bangladesh. Providing employees the rightful wages &
necessary constitutional changes are some of the solutions that are elaborated. Considering
the attainments and shortcomings of the current wage structure, this review envisions more
effective role of the labor unions in securing labor rights in RMG sector.