The Extent of Impact of Different Factors on Female Education in Developed and Developing Countries
Female education is more than a blessing to every nation as female citizens play a significant
role in nation’s economic prosperity. But the real scenario is women are facing obstacles in
getting education even in 21st
century which is referred to gender discrimination in education.
Several socioeconomic factors affect female education in developed and developing countries.
This paper explains the extent of impact of different factors on female education in both
developed and developing countries. Five variables have been used to conduct this study where
female education is the endogenous variable and it can be explained by some exogenous variable
like per capita GDP growth rate, poverty headcount ratio, government expenditure on education
and female labor force participation rate. Statistical analysis has been done by using STATA to
know the extent of these variables’ impact on female education. The study concluded that labor
force participation rate of female has the significant impact on education in both developed and
developing countries while other variables have almost similar impact on female education. Per
capita GDP growth rate was the weakest variable for developing countries and poverty
headcount ratio was the weakest variable for developed countries