Browsing HRM by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 139
General banking of First Security Islami Bank Ltd.
(2020-02-11)This report is prepared as requirement of the internship of BBA program of United International University. This report focuses Three months working experiences in Postogola Branch, FIRST SECUIRITY ISLAMI BANK LIMITED. ... -
HR Function of Kazi Fashion
(United International University, 2019-06-22)As a business student, examining the world of business today is very important note this complex situation. You need to move to all levels of knowledge, both sound and practical. In this report I had tried to focus on my ... -
(United International University, 2019-03-27)Bangladesh Association of Construction Industry (BACI) is the premiere association for the construction industry of Bangladesh and is a link amongst all the organizations and firms which currently deal in the development ... -
HR practices at branch level of dutch bangla bank
(United International University, 2019-10-07)The report has prepared for the practices of hr of Dutch Bangle Bank . the series of its effectiveness plays a vital role for acquiring the service quality of the bank ,there are various services that the bank require for ... -
HR practices in Banking industry of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2022-08-10)The Project has been completed on “The HRM Practices in Banks in Bangladesh”. For this purpose, the necessary data has been collected from various primary and secondary sources. It has been chosen two banks BRAC Bank Ltd ... -
(United International University, 2019-05-15)I had started my Internship program at GEMCON Group, Corporate office. Gemcon started its remarkable journey with construction and engineering. Now, the group has expanded its businesses in multifarious sectors. From seafood ... -
HR practices of Jamuna Bank Ltd.
(United International University, 2022-02-07)The current internship report has been titled as HR practices of Jamuna Bank limited. To conclude the investigation, the information is divided into eleven chapters. Jamuna Bank limited is bank of recent generation. it's ... -
HR practices of Tobacco Industry in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2022-07-05)The purpose of this report is to understand how an organization in the tobacco industry of Bangladesh uses its HR practices to measure, motivate, and increase the performance of its employees. This report is done on the ... -
HR Role in Managing Workforce Diversity in organization- “A Case Study on United Commercial Bank Limited”.
(2023-02)In the competitive business world, Human Resources (HR) practices are essential for the success of an organization. The workforce is one of the most valuable assets of a business, and it is the department of human resources' ... -
(United International University, 2018-12-09)Project report Program refers to a joint program in which Business School and business houses co-operate. The prime objective of such program is to provide students on the job exposures and the opportunity to translate the ... -
HRM Practices in Real Estate Business of Bangladesh: A Study on BTI (Building Technology & Ideas ltd)
(2024-01-20)The term paper report focuses on the Real Estate sector in Bangladesh, with a particular emphasis on analyzing the industry and the company BTI (Building Technology & Ideas Ltd.), whose Head Office is located at Plot – 3 ... -
HRM Practices in the Paint Industry of Bangladesh: A Study on Berger Paints Bangladesh
(2024-12-11)This term paper explores the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices of Berger Paints Bangladesh, a market leader in the country’s paint industry. With a history spanning decades, Berger Paints has established itself as ... -
HRM Practices of BDBL
(United International University, 2023-01-09)Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd (BDBL) is a state-owned commercial bank in Bangladesh that operates successfully in the banking industry. This report is based on my internship experience with BDBL. As an intern at a reputable ... -
HRM Practices of Smartifier Academy and the changes during Pandemic
(United International University, 2022-04-20)This project report is the representation of HRM functions in pandemic situation of a startup named Smartifier Academy. The report sheds light on how the HRM evolved along with the attack of pandemic in this growing training ... -
Human Resource Management Practices of EXIM Bank
(2021-07)All organizations have human resource management department for employees. I got an opportunity to make a report about human resource management practices of EXIM bank. EXIM Bank's HR division is augmented me personally ... -
Human Resource Management Practices of EXIM Bank Bangladesh Limited’.
(2022-08-14)EXIM Bank Ltd is one of the largest private banks in Bangladesh. The title of the report is “Human Resource Management Practices of EXIM Bank Bangladesh Limited”. This report mainly focused on HRM Practices and also on an ... -
Human Resource Management Activities of Grameenphone
(2022-04-07)Grameenphone has more than 2000 employees who are working permanently and temporarily. The company always expects superior performances from their employees that’s why the company always maintains a structured and better ... -
Human Resource Management Practice in banking Sector of Bangladesh
(UIU, 2021-10-27)The banking business is a vital component of our country's economy, and it is always improving. Each understudy is required to write a report on their particular heading premise. Preparing and Advancement is my job title. ... -
Human Resource Management Practices and Policies followed and applied by The City Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-07-25)This is the report on the internship program at The City Bank Limited. This report has covered a variety of areas on the practices of human resources management and all the related policies The City bank follows. To prepare ... -
Human Resource Management Practices in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: A Study on National Bank Limited
(2022-04-16)We may define a bank as a place where individuals get together to agree to accept financial deposits from the general public and to create a credit for the purpose of lending money to others. This can be done directly or ...